Access Platforms Products
Access Platforms Products
Code: 100085
The Snorkel UL32 is a robust push-around mast lift, safely lifts one person plus tools to a working height of 11.7m. The lift can be easily pushed into position, and can pass through standard doorways thanks to its innovative tilt-back system. The patented 'Girder Lock' telescopic mast design provides a very stable platform, even at full elevation. The UL32 is ideal for interior maintenance, particularly in sports hall, auditoriums and atriums
Model: UL32DC
Width: 0.74m (stowed)
Height: 2.51m (stowed)
Length: 1.32m (stowed)
Dry Weight: 464kg
Capacity: 136kg
Power: DC Battery
- Special paint colors - Tool tray - Laser locator - Environmental hydraulic oil
Max Working Height - 11.7mMax. Platform Height - 9.7mPlatform Length - 0.56mPlatform Width - 0.66mOutrigger Footprint - 2.06m x 1.99mOverall Width - 0.74mOverall Length - 1.32mStowed Height - 2.51mTilt Back Height - 1.95mTilt Back Length - 2.64mPlatform Capacity (SWL) - 136kgRaise/Lower Time - 57/26 secondsWheels - 250mm x 64mm rear, 150mm castors frontControls - push buttonWall Access - 356mmGross Weight (AC) - 435kgGross Weight (DC) - 465kg
*Product availability may be subject to fluctuation
*EQUIPMENT shown may not necessarily be in stock and immediately available and specifications may vary between models. Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only.
*EQUIPMENT shown may not necessarily be in stock and immediately available and specifications may vary between models. Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only.